Companies often decide to focus on core business activities, an important reason to choose the outsourcing for other labors. Thereby, the outsourcing improves the performance of non-core activities, reduce costs and focus on activities that are really important and relevant for the business. 

That is why we offer a variety of services seeking that the organization keep the focus on meeting the strategic objectives. We understand your needs, this is our approach, in which Grant Thornton 53,000 professionals in more than 135 countries are committed.

With access to experts through the Grant Thornton organization, you will have available international outsourcing projects delivered in an efficient, transparent and confidential manner using the highest standards in all of our service lines. 

Our firm focus on supporting companies by running tasks and processes that are critical but developed in an efficient and timely way, in concordance with the objectives of organizations.

Our outsourcing services:

  • Accounting
  • Accounting under IFRS
  • Taxes
  • Payroll
  • Treasury

Our Outsourcing

Financial accounting

Only those who have clearly structured numbers and a good view of their business, can identify weaknesses and opportunities early enough to react on time to events in their environment.

Tax and legal compliance

The tax authorities constantly keep entrepreneurs and freelancers on alert, with tax issues taking part as a crucial role in almost all business decisions.


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